Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Hello from Belarus

My dream is to come to the United States and build a better life for myself. I am a resident of Belarus and do not understand why your great president Bush does not topple my horrible president Lukashenka. Why we Belarussians do not deserve Operation Freedom? We would even acceept Operation Chut Chut Freedom. A tiny tiny bit of Freedom we want. Our Batka wouldn't let us though. That is why I talked to my fairy today and she turned me into Kolobok. Kolobok is an ancient Belarussian fairy tale hero who is big and strong and (almost said wears a thong because I like to rhyme things) fights for poor people against haves. Robin Hood from Gomel neighborhood. So me now is Kolobok. The most amazing thing about Kolobok is that he can do skok-skok. Which is to jump at an unlimited distance. For example, I can jump from my home village of Zajibutychi all the way to the city of New York. But I am not going to, not yet. I am writing to your my Internet friends to help me to write a letter to President Bush asking him to liberate my people the Belarussians from the totalitarian oppression. And for everyone of you who responds to my blog and tells me he or she supprots me I will tell you one fascinating thing about my country Belarus that you may not know. Don't worry, Kolobok will not be Borat and will not play a cruel joke on you about wanting to marry Pamela Anderson. I will tell you about how beautiful my country is and how much we Belarussians want to have freedom and live like you do in the U.S.A. I hope Mr. Bush reads my blog one days and decides to come and help us. But maybe because I am now a Kolobok who can do skok-skok I will skok-skok to the USA and tell Mr. Bush the story of my country Belarus in person.

Mr. Bush. Please respond. Will you help Belarus?

With respect,

Zajibatychi village, Gomel region.
